What Is CST?
The craniosacral system consists of the bones, soft tissues and fluid that surround and nurture the brain and spinal cord.
This system has a huge impact on the central nervous system which in turn has a profound effect on the body’s overall health and well being.
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands on treatment that helps to release tensions in the body helping to treat pain and dysfunction and aid in improving whole body health.
The body is constantly enduring and absorbing stresses and strains on a day to day basis. If this builds up becomes too much for the body it can result in pain and ill health.
There are also times when more dramatic physical or emotional trauma is inflicted on the body from accidents, injuries, surgery or stress for example. This can result in restrictions and tension held within the body which directly or indirectly effects the craniosacral system.
The use of light touch helps to uncover, evaluate and facilitate the release of the causes of ill health and dysfunction. It is a very gentle yet incredibly effective approach and works alongside the body’s ability to repair itself. Craniosacral therapy helps to set up the right environment for the body to heal.